Please visit my recommendations on Amazon for all supplies you need!
Although we recommend and personally trust these products we are not the manufacturer. If you have any issues with your products please contact the seller.
*For any medical devices or medications, even teas or supplements for voice- always consult your doctor prior to use.
EmpowerMe Arts holds no responsibility to issues, accidents or injury associated with these tools

This list includes all recommended books and other items such as hand strengthening tools and metronomes. *For any medications or medical devices always consult your doctor prior to use.

This list includes all recommended books and other items such as hand strengthening tools and metronomes. *For any medications or medical devices always consult your doctor prior to use.

This includes products that are helpful for singing as well as cold/flu and sinus management. *For any medications or medical devices always consult your doctor prior to use.

This list includes any additional tools we recommend for self-care and coaching techniques such as journaling methods. *For any medications or medical devices always consult your doctor prior to use.